Filming and Editing Services

Need help finding a cost effective way to scale your filming and editing? We have a network of highly skilled videographers and editors who can help with any video projects.

We can provide an affordable quote that meets your budget. If you just need editing services or videographers that’s totally fine, or we can provide an end to end quote.

macbook computer showing editing software


Where is your team based?

All of our editors and videographers are based in Australia.

How much notice do you need?

Ideally at least 1 weeks notice for a videographer booking. We can work with shorter notice for editing projects but the more notice the better the likely result will be.

What if the shoot is interstate?

If a videographer needs to travel to complete a shoot then any travel costs will be on-charged at the end of the shoot. We can provide an estimated quote based on predicted travel costs.

Contact us.

If you need editing or videography services just fill in the form below and we will get in touch.